Choose Happiness Adventures LLC

Walking and Hiking Tours

Click on the link below that contains the information you are looking for

Choose Happiness Adventures LLC’s information buttons can be clicked below to navigate to the desired information.

We have answered all of the questions we have received so far in the FAQs.

Our terms and conditions are all the important legal information you will need to know before you travel on one of our Choose Happiness Adventures tours.

Our Privacy Policy explains how we treat the personal information we collect.

Of course, we have included a contact us form for you to get in touch with us.

If you have a concern that is not covered, please reach out to us and mention it.

You will also be able to navigate to our Social Network links to see what’s going on there. Please like and follow us on these links.

At Choose Happiness Adventures we are here to answer any of your questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. 

Choose Happiness Adventures' Social Network Links

Follow us on Facebook here

You can catch us (and please follow us too) on Instagram here

Check us out on LinkedIn right here

If you are on Pinterest, so are we and you can see our boards here

Finally, Twitter - do you follow? If so, we are tweeting also and you can see what we have to say @cha_arlene